Sunday, 20 June 2021

 Some admin news we find dead exciting

The St Lucia Community Garden Association is now The St Lucia Community Garden Inc.  That means we have been officially granted the important status of being an Incorporated Association. The key consequence is that small and large funding or grant-making bodies (private, charitable, government or business) can now meet their own rules and give us money for new projects or activities. What we need now is the right ideas, and energy and people to deliver what we come up with. It's been quite a long process to sort out that Inc. and it'll be interesting to see what we make of it.

Another important and immediate result is that we can release the St Lucia Community Association from their role as our "auspicing" body, open our own bank account and grow up on our own.  

The SLCG Inc would particularly like to thank the SLCA for coming up with the original idea of a new Community Garden for St Lucia, for working closely and productively with BCC, Clr Mackay and Walter Taylor Ward to get the project off the ground (sorry), and for taking on our admin and bank affairs ever since late 2019. And, just as importantly, kicking in significant funds during 2020 to build and stock the SLCG Upper Terrace beds quite a while before the other new CGs in our area had much to show for all their own hard work to get set up. 

Our sincere thanks and appreciation go to "The Parents' Bank".

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