Saturday 15 May: BCC Community Compost Hub Opening Day
A sausage sizzle, an on site coffee van, free native plants , free kitchen scraps caddies plus lots of marquees heralded the formal opening ceremonies of our St Lucia Community Garden BCC Community Compost Hub.
What's that: the SLCGBCCCCH? I hope not . . .
Garden regulars will know that we were already up and running pretty well and had made (and begun to put to good use) about 120kg of finished (and beautiful) of our own compost to show off just how good the end result of not chucking everything in the Council red-top bin can be.
Now ST Lucia and Taringa locals can enjoy the warm inner glow of not wasting stuff, and helping us grow more and better veggies.
So, Councillor James Mackay from Walter Taylor Ward joined Clytie Binder from the Behaviour Change unit of BCC's Field Services' Waste and Recovery Services Branch and Ian Nicolson from the SLCG to launch the new muck to magic facility with a splash.
Our thanks go particularly to Walter Taylor Ward staff Belinda and Philippa who did almost all the organizing and to the Indooroopilly Men's Shed for all the sizzling.
Clytie also gave a useful and engaging talk about how useful not wasting food scraps can be, saving Council a fortune on hauling away and landfilling thousands of tonnes of food scraps every year, reducing methane generation and producing one of the best soil boosters you can imagine.
The weather was as good as one could possibly want in May and the whole affair went down very well for about 120-150 people. And the SLCG got to use one of the new green marquees (that we have just been given) for the very first time.
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