Progress as the walls are coming down!
Apologies for the hiatus in posting, but, as you may have noticed, stuff has been happening that isn't about the Community Garden (no, really), the weather has been interesting and Council has been a bit busy dealing with the aftermath of the same weather.
The vollie watering roster and the associated WhatsApp group is working a treat (thanks, Membership team),
the IBC water tank is what we need at this stage (as opposed to an $8k mains water connection,
the Community Compost Hub is cooking along well (although the Public-facing bins are stalled somewhere in the bureaucracy),
the 2-3 tonnes of mulch we've spread everywhere is holding the remnant on-site soil in place, building more soil up steadily and protecting the site from being rained away,
the newly planted framing native grasses and rushes are taking well,
the raised beds are proving to be both attractive and conversation starters for locals,
the flowers and veggies already growing are appreciating the ideal weather,
the wildflower seed programme is about to kick-off,
the pineapples are starting to arrive and take up their places as indicative "fences",
And, almost most importantly, the construction fence has disappeared at last . . .